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Сейчас в России свои новые автомобили предлагают около 80 автопроизводителей. Количество же продаваемых моделей более 300. Если же еще учесть, что каждая модель обычно имеет по несколько вариантов комплектаций, то выбор «автомобиля для себя» становится задачей чрезвычайно трудоёмкой, в которой неподготовленный человек может и не разобраться. В связи с этим цель нашего сайта — максимально упростить задачу поиска нового автомобиля.

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Ford Focus c 2011 по 2019

The rating of the Ford Focus has been upgraded from 2011 to 2012. The car is unchanged and test results have been carried over from the previous year. The 2012 rating reflects the performance of the Focus against Euro NCAP's latest requirements. Adult occupant The passenger compartment of the new Focus remained stable in the frontal impact. Dummy readings indicated good protection of all body regions for the front passenger, and for all body regions except the lower legs of the driver, protection of which was adequate. Ford demonstrated that a similar level of protection would be provided to the knees and femurs of occupants of diiferent sizes and to those sat in different seating positions. Protection of the pelvis was adequate in the side barrier test and was good for all other body regions. In the more severe side pole test, chest protection was rated as marginal but was otherwise good or adequate. The seat and head restraint provided good protection against whiplash injuries in a rear impact. Child occupant The Focus scored the maximum points available for the protection of the 3 year child in the frontal and side impact tests, and lost only a fraction of a point for the 18 month infant. A switch is available as an option which disables the passenger airbag, allowing a rearward facing child restraint to be used in that seating position. The test cars were not equipped with the switch and no assessment was done. Labels warning of using a rearward-facing child restraint in that seating position without first disabling the airbag were not available in all European languages. Pedestrian The protection provided by the bumper to the legs of a struck pedestrian was predominantly good. The front edge of the bumper offered good protection in all areas tested. In most areas likely to be struck by a child's head the bonnet offered good protection. While protection of an adult's head was also good in places most areas tested were rated as poor or marginal.

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